Most people looking to burn fat or gain muscle immediately turn to supplements as if it is needed to achieve great results.

Though supplements can be beneficial, they are only meant to help “supply” your diet and are not needed to reach your goal.

Most of the popular supplements can be acquired from food but it can be convenient to have certain ones available.

With that said, here are some recommended supplements to aid the pursuit of your fitness goal


Whey protein is a liquid byproduct of cheese production that is sold as a dietary supplement in the form of powder.
It is recognized as a “complete protein” that is fast and easy to digest. A popular measure of protein absorption used is the biological value (BV), in which whey protein has the highest possible value of 100 2.
With the benefit of quick digestion, consuming whey protein post workout can be optimal for muscle growth.
Another advantage of whey protein is that it is convenient when food isn’t readily available.
You can easily mix the powder into a smoothie, oatmeal, or any other recipe. Most people find it challenging to fulfill their daily protein requirement through only food, so consuming whey protein can help you stay consistent with your diet.

The human body requires a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in order to complete its daily tasks.
When living an active lifestyle, your body needs more nutrients than normal to support its activity level.
Neglecting these micronutrients can cause your body to work less efficiently, especially when working out.
Therefore, it is important to provide your body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for optimal results.
Though it is possible to get all of your micronutrients through food only, it can be a challenge to do so each day.
Supplementing a multivitamin with your diet will act as a source of insurance in case you don’t get enough vitamins and minerals from the food you already consume.

Fish oil contains essential fatty acids (EFAs) which have been shown to offer endless benefits such as improvements in brain function, cardiovascular and joint health.
The two widely researched Omega-3 fatty acids include EPA and DHAwhich are termed “essential” since we need them for proper function but our bodies cannot produce them.
Therefore, we must obtain them through food or supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids work by lowering the body’s production of triglycerides.
High levels of triglycerides can lead to coronary artery disease, heart disease, and stroke.
Studies have shown that benefits of fish oil include a boost in your immune system, anti-inflammatory treatment, improvements in vision, memory, and bone health along with many other advantages.
With countless beneficial claims, it serves as smart investment to consume fish oil for overall health.

 Muscles Growth  

Lifting weights damages your muscles. Though that may sound strange, pumping iron at the gym actually depletes muscle-building nutrients in your body and creates microscopic tears in your muscle fibers.

It is only until after your workout that your body begins to repair the damage you inflicted on it and you experience the muscle growth you desire.
An effective workout results in minimal bleeding and tearing of your muscle fibers, which often leads to soreness.
This damage is an essential part of building muscle and indicates that your muscles are repairing and becoming stronger.
Muscle repair usually takes at least two days, making 48 hours of rest essential for optimal growth.
The principle behind muscle growth is known as progressive overload. It states that you must impose a demand on your muscles greater than what they’re accustomed to.
Your muscles compensate for this strain on a cellular level by adding protein to grow thicker and stronger.
Once your muscle adapts to the load by becoming stronger, a progressive overload such as more weight or reps must be added for more growth.
Overall, muscle damage takes place during the workout, and repair and growth happens when you are at rest.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

The CNC consists of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of neurons.

This system is responsible for sending, receiving, and interpreting information throughout all parts of the body.

Your CNS controls every thought and movement in the body, making it extremely important to maintain its health.

Extensive training without sufficient rest increases the risk of damage to your CNS.

Most cells in your CNS cannot be repaired or renewed and can lose some of its abilities.

Signs of damage are difficulty with physical activity, recovering, comprehending information, & other symptoms.

The CNS is at an increased risk for damage while consuming fewer calories than normal, which emphasizes the need for sufficient nutrients and recovery while dieting.

Just like the muscular system, your CNS can be overworked.

With proper nutrition and efficient training you can protect and maintain the health of your  CNS

RESTDAY From Gym/Exercises

It is important to occasionally incorporate a full day of rest from training in order to allow your body sufficient recovery.

As training becomes more frequent, your body is at greater risk for injury due to strain on muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints.

Muscle fibers are broken down during weight training, so sufficient time is needed for the body to repair and grow new muscle.

It can be smart to train certain muscles on specific days so you can allow other muscles to recover.

For example, training upper body on one day and lower body on a separate day, allows one muscle group to recover while training another.

Benefits of incorporating a rest day include improvements in training performance, a stronger immune system, and more energy.

If desired, you can remain active during a rest day with light exercise such as jogging, yoga, or stretching.

Common Mistakes During Training

Did you know that training “smart” means more than just knowing how to use the machines in your gym correctly.

You have to plan critically about your workouts, and make sure everything you do has a specific purpose and will get you closer to your goals.

Here are common mistakes people make when training, and how to fix them

1. Lifting Too Heavy Weights 

Using more weight doesn’t always equal a better workout. Letting go of your ego can allow you to grow more muscle.
It’s best to engage the muscle as much as possible and by using too much weight it is likely that you would have to use bad form in order to complete the exercise.
It is better to use amount of weight that you can control through the entire movement, then work your way up to a heavier weight that you can properly handle 

2. Improper Technique

Some people never seek the benefits of their training because they consistently use bad form. An individual can do 20 “bicep curls” and barely work their muscle because of using improper form.By using small techniques such as how to eliminate momentum and using the target muscle to control the weight, your workouts will become more productive.Using the correct form will also reduce your risk of injury.

3.Little Research Before Coming To The Gym

There are some individuals who come to the gym and watch others work out in hopes of finding an idea of what to do.
Starting your workout without a plan can limit your progress and waste valuable time.
Your training can become more efficient and flexible by doing research on workouts, proper exercise techniques, and general tips on training.

4. Unrealistic Expectations 

Expecting to achieve your greatest physique in a few days can be unrealistic.
Your body needs time to change. It may take weeks or even months based on your current condition before you can achieve the physique you desire.
The main thing is to be patient and focus on progressing one day at a time.

5. Resting Too Long 

While everyone needs to rest in between sets, most individuals give themselves too long of a rest period.
Some people end up texting or talking, allowing their body too much time to relax. Consistently resting for too long can negatively affect the results of your workout.
The key is to limit the time in between sets to challenge your body to become stronger. 

6. Doubting Yourself 

Negative thoughts can affect your training performance. By staying positive you allow yourself to have a better workout.
Keep in mind that you have no choice but to make progress whenever you try something new.
Stay focused and believe that you can accomplish your goals.

7. Trying To DO Too Much At Once 

Doing cardio, lifting weights, eating healthy, drinking more water, timing your meals and getting more sleep are only some of the many aspects of fitness to improve on.
Trying to do everything at once can be challenging for most individuals. It is better to take small steps towards your fitness goal rather than one huge transition that can be difficult to maintain. 

8. Not Eating Enough 

Eating healthier is a great start to becoming fit and can cause a diet to be lower in calories.
Yet consuming too little calories in addition to training can cause an individual to feel sluggish.
Though some people may be cutting back on calories to burn fat, it is important to still fuel your body with enough calories to support energy throughout the day.
By properly setting up your macros, you can maximize the amount of calories you are able to consume while achieving your goal. 

9. Lack Of Variety In Exercises 

Incorporating a variety of exercises in your workout is important for developing a well-rounded physique.
Understanding which muscles are engaged during specific exercises can allow your workouts to become more efficient.
For example, your legs are made up of different muscle groups, so choosing an exercise to target each area is beneficial for overall muscle development.
10. Not Warming Up
Before starting a workout and giving it all you’ve got, it’s important to properly prepare your body to efficiently manage the impact of training.
Warming up allows the body to gradually adjust to high levels of physical activity, which reduces the risk of injury and improves training performance.

Training Mentality

Determination & Focus. These are the main differences between training and just working out.

“Working out” consists of simply doing exercises without a specific goal in mind.

“Training” demands that you exercise with greater principles that not only make you physically stronger, but also mentally tougher as well

Your mentality is the deciding factor that sets you apart from your intentions to train or to just simply work out.
An individual who trains pushes through the every set and does not give up just because they feel the burn.
The pain of fighting through a set is only temporary, yet will leave you physically and mentally stronger.
Your characteristics are a reflection of your mentality, so staying dedicated to your workout can strengthen your self-discipline.
Aperson who wants to train comes to the gym with a plan so they don’t have to worry about what to do once they get there.
You should plan the muscle groups, exercises, sets, and rep ranges you want to work on so you have nothing else to do but focus on completing the workout.
Even a bad plan is better than having no plan at all. One who comes to train isn’t worried about anyone else in the gym.
Never feel embarrassed about other people watching as you train. If there is anyone that should feel ashamed, it should be the person watching since they should be training as well.

Your focus should be on performing each exercise in the workout to the best of your ability.
Focus on doing better than your last workout. The outcome of whether you’re able to successfully increase the weight or reps in your workout depends on your state of mind.
The body follows what the mind thinks, so mentally push through your workouts for the result of a greater physique.
Instead of hoping your muscles grow, force it to grow by pushing past your limits.

Think of each workout as making you 1% stronger and through consistent training your fitness goal is guaranteed.
Your training mentality carries over into other aspects of your life so strengthening your mindset during training will help improve other weak points.
Most people only see the physical benefits of training but in order to produce significant changes in your physique, it starts with your mentality.

Weighing Yourself

Did you know that your weight depends with the time of the day?

Your bodyweight fluctuates throughout the day, so the scale will display different amounts depending on the time you choose to weigh yourself.

Other factors such as how much you eat and physical activity will cause differences in your weight as the day goes by.

The most accurate time to check your weight is first thing in the morning after urination.

It’s beneficial to weigh yourself at least once a week in order to ensure you are making progress towards your goal.

It isn’t necessary to weigh yourself every day, but doing so will help you get a better understanding of the changes in weight based on your balance of calories.

What Is The Best Diet?

With so many diets out there, it can be confusing to know which one works the best.

Popular ones range from Paleo, Atkins, Vegan, Fruitarian, Ketogenic, gluten-free and other mainstream diets.

So which one is the best?

The best diet is the one that you can consistently stick to the most.
All of these diets have one goal in common, which is a method of burning fat.
Various diets incorporate restrictions such as emphasizing low carbs, high fat, whole foods, fruits and other regulated guidelines.

Whichever diet you choose, it’s important to remember that the basic rule of a general diet is to be in a calorie deficit so that you can burn fat.
Most people try different diets and restrict all kinds of food but never consistently stay in calorie deficit, which defeats the purpose of being on a diet.
Tracking your macros is a way of knowing exactly how much you are putting into your body, leaving out any room for guessing if you’re in a calorie deficit or not.

Knowing your macros can help you stick to whichever diet you choose. One diet for example may require you to stay away from bread.
This may work for the simple fact that if you ate a lot of bread before and suddenly stopped, then you’ve lowered your calories, which can cause you to be in a calorie deficit.
It wasn’t that eating bread was stopping you from losing weight, but because your overall calories weren’t low enough.

Eliminating certain foods from your diet can help you drop calories to lose weight, or you can keep track of your calories and enjoy all kinds of food within moderation.
You shouldn’t have to be bored with what you eat so make sure your diet is made up of the foods you enjoy.
By following a sustainable diet, you are more likely to maintain healthy habits after you’ve achieved your goal.

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